Saturday, 20 April 2019

Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?

I heard it said that words are deadly things
I was surprised to find myself alive and breathing
I said, "I know it's tough, but I'm growing up
And your love it just ain't good enough
So I'm taking back my heart for me.

WAVING THROUGH A WINDOW (dear evan hansen)
TAKING BACK MY HEART (rusty clanton)

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Could have been's - stuff that didn't work

At male og arbejde med kunst i det hele taget er en lang meditation, mener Michael Kvium.
- Man skal hele tiden være opmærksom på, hvor man er henne, hvad man laver, og hvilke tanker,
det sætter i gang. Ellers ville man altid bare arbejde en til en, og så ville der ikke komme nogen
udvikling, siger han.


Thursday, 11 April 2019

How to inspire a certain level of fear

E: What prompted people to start referring to Voldemort 
      as You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

J: It happens many times in history. Well, you’ll know this because you’re that kind of people, but for those who don’t, having a taboo on a name is quite common in certain civilizations.
In Africa, there are tribes where the name is never used. Your name is a sacred part of yourself and you are referred to as the son of so-and-so, the brother of so-and-so, and you’re given these pseudonyms because your name is something that can be used magically against you if it’s known. It’s a part of your soul.

 That’s a powerful taboo in many cultures and across many folklores. 
On a more prosaic note, in the 1950s in London, 
there [was] a pair of gangsters called the Kray Twins. 
The story goes that people didn’t speak the name Kray. 
You just didn’t mention it. 
You didn’t talk about them because retribution was so brutal and bloody.

I think this is an impressive demonstration of strength, 
that you can convince someone not to use your name. 
Impressive in the sense that demonstrates how deep the level of fear is that you can inspire. 

It’s not something to be admired.


Saturday, 6 April 2019

I Know Myself & Kind? - Inspirationskilde



FÆRDIG - I Know Myself 

Call Me By Your Name -  Elio venter utålmodigt på Oliver



 first draft

FÆRDIG - Kind?

Hello Friend - Inspirationskilde

første draft

Tree of Life - dreng gemmer sig

4637+ draft


 skitser til den ensomme figur

7r93+ draft


Umm - Inspirationskilder

 A contemplative figure

 Jacques-Louis David - Marat's død (1793)

 Shape of Water - the amphibian creature in the bathtub

A sketch

Adriaen van der Spelt - Still Life with Flower Garland and a Curtain (1658)

en skitse

The curtain - badeforhænget