Saturday, 30 September 2017


My aunt...

Yes, she was here last night.

How can I ever make amends for such behaviour?

 After what you have done for Lydia and I suspect for Jane       also, it is I who should be making amends.

 You must know, surely you must know - it was all for you.     You are too generous to travel with me.
  I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has            taught me to hope, as I'd scarcely allowed myself before.

Mike-schmike" she said, dismissive again. I smiled widely.

I love you too. Don't let me in. Tell Amy, your Amy, I'm giving her the days. The days with you. The days to come.

Tell me this is not happening.

Oh, it's happening - he's following her, calling after her... Did you know her first name was Karen?

Will you marry me?

 I think I will go for... yes

Hi there. It's me. Just to say, I'm setting out now and I can't wait to see the breakfast bar. I might be five minutes late. Also thank you for your message and I wanted to say... I'm sorry for being so snappy today, and for that stupid argument. Nothing to do with you. Just a bit nuts at the moment. The important thing is I love you very much. So. There you go. Lucky you! I think that's everything. Bye my love. Bye.

You said "whoopsidaisies".

 I don't think so. No one says "whoopsidaisies" do they?   Unless they're...

 There is no "unless." No one has said "whoopsidaisies" for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.

 Exactly. Here we go again.

(He falls off the fence again)

Whoopsidaisies. It's a disease I've got. It's a clinical thing. I'm taking pills and having injections. It won't last long.

She was wrong about me. She thought that if you put yourself in harms way, I'd rescue you or something - but I didn't. Not till she told me to,
and that's how this works - that's what you're missing. She taught me to be the man she already thought I was. Get yourself a piece of that.

We, maybe we should try something different. I mean, it's no so bad if tonight is our only night, right? People always exchange phone numbers, addresses, they end up writing once, calling each other once or twice...

Right. Fizzles out. Yeah, I mean, I don't want that. I hate that.

I hate that too, y'know.

Why do you think everybody thinks relationships are supposed to last forever anyway?

Yeah, why. It's stupid.

If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
'Cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands

We could kill her dog.

 I didn't know she had a dog.

 We buy her one. And then kill it.

I did love you you know

1. William and Elizabeth  
2. Edward and Bella 
3. Amy and Rory 
4. Mia and Michael 
5. Tim and Mary 
6. Dexter and Emma 
7. Anna and William 
8. John and Mary 
9. Jessie and Celine 
10. Lucy and Jude 
11. Jane and Tom 
12. Stephen and Jane

13. Harry and Ginny 
14. Ross and Rachel 
15. Blaine and Kurt 
16. Christian and Satine 
17. Louisa and Will  
18. Harry and Sally 
19. Stephen and Jane 
20. Noah and Allie
21. Roran and Katrina 
22. Madame Vastra and Ginny
23. Remus and Tonks
24. Josh and Arnold

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Vent du lille. vent lige lidt.
Vent på varmen - den glade sol
Vent på træernes stråleglans -
i den sidste smule måneskin 

Vent på mosegræssets fugtige sødhed,
og bliv stadigt stående hvor du er -
nedsunket i mosen.

Glem nu ikke at takke af før du går.
Man kan sgu komme langt med lidt høflighed

Husk på den tid der var - og den tid der altid vil høre hjemme i dette her. og dette nu. 

Husk de varme dyner og den brændende stearin,
de tykke sofaer og den pappede pizza,
det oversvømmende badeværelsesgulv
og det eventyrlige tårn af opvask.

Husk på det hemmelige himmelunivers -
udsigten mod de små huse og den længsel der fulgte med.

Glem ikke den frygtindgyndede brusebadsløsning
og den dertilhørende dybt ubehagelige kropspositur
under det iskolde vand
der ikke havde i sinde at finde varmen - nogensinde igen.

Glem ej heller den allerhurtigste transit-tilstand fra hjem til by - og by til hjem.

Forsøg ikke at forgyldne dine minder -
ej heller at formørke dem.
De er som glødende istapper -
uforståelige ved første gennemlæsning,
men poetiske efter en god portion tid.

Husk på de pappede papkasser -
yndefulde i deres generiske fremtræden, ambitiøse i deres forfaldne funktion.

Husk de farveløse gardiner -
vægtløse og gennemsigtige.

Mindes du de skydedøre, der i virkeligheden var vinduer?

Har du svært ved at glemme overboens utålmodige trippen?

Husker du den svage lugt af karry i soveværelset?

Har du mareridt om de billebefængte blomster?

Er det usandsynligt at du vil glemme lyden af den besynderlige vaskekælderdør? 

Så er du endnu nedsunket i mosen.

Mosegræssets søde smag er stadigt mere kvalmt.
Røde udtørrede melede bær falder fra træernes toppe
og sætter sig til rette i dine krøllede lokker.

Nu vil du ikke vente længere. 

Monday, 25 September 2017

Et hjemmeligt sted eller to

Jeppe Å - den godeste tid

Downham - en rutsjebanetur

Whitefoot Lane - den uendelige bakke

Forest Hill - en rolig atmosfære

Overfor et familieejet Pulperia - rig på kærlighed, rig på natur

Ocotal - med klinkebelagt gulv

Molbech - ubehagelig botanisk idyl

Monday, 11 September 2017

Living minds are contaminated with crude emotions, organic, irrational, creative, entertaining

Talk without a taint or hold
The doubts that should embrace your heart
The calm and chaos of your soul
You know you might surprise yourself

If a black man is racist, is it okay
If it's the white man's racism that made him that way
Because the bully's the victim they say
By some sense they're all the same

'Cause the line between wrong and right
Is the width of a thread from a spider's web
The piano keys are black and white
But they sound like a million colours in your mind

Just in this second I can see
The lights go and bricks and ceilings tumbling on me
Just in this second I can hear
The steps of panicked neighbours
The sound of fear

When will I go and make a change
I've got the time and I let it waste
I frown at people who don't care but I'm just the same
I wanna make a diffrence
Maybe some other day

You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later
they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, and you meet them and think, not bad, they're OK. And then
you get to know them, and their face just sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it. And
they just turn into something so beautiful

#0: Enlightenment (Doctor Who)
#1: Surprise Yourself (Jack Garratt)
#2: Spider's Web (Katie Melua)
#3: Some Other Day (Tina Dickow/ Dico)
#4: The Girl Who Waited (Doctor Who)

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Uden titel

sometimes I worry that people can hear
what I'm thinking spilling out of my ears
I calcuate what I'm going to say
talking to people's a game I can play

am I the only one
wishing life away?
never caught up in the moment
busy begging the past to stay
memoroes painted with much brigther ink;
they tell me I loved, teach me how to think.

oh, how do I get what I want, when I don't know what it is..?

tekst #1: Tessa Violet: On My Own
tekst #2: dodie: When
tekst #3: Bry: Sum Me Up