Chair comes from the early 13th-century English word chaere, from Old French chaiere ("chair, seat, throne"), from Latin cathedra
"One and Three Chairs"
(Joseph Kosuth)
Et pragteksemplar på et konceptuelt
kunstværk - der undersøger konceptet 'repræsentation'
Den definition Kosuth har anvendt -- kan definitionen gøres til sit eget værk?
Kan man bruge definitionen til at sige noget om relationen mellem 'high art' og 'low art' ?
Altså mellem fine art og kitsch / mellem den 'anstændige' kunst og den 'masseproduceret' kunst.
Hvis vi da antager at de to kategorier findes. Og at skellet mellem dem er bemærkelsesværdigt.
one of the basic pieces of furniture, a chair is a type of seat.
It's primary features are
...two pieces of a durable material, attached
as back and seat to one another
På Saul Steinbergs hjemmeside er der skrevet det her:
he made no distinction between high and low art
Og det er præcis der jeg gerne vil hen:
the unfinished drawing - roughly done, no real 'finish', a sketch but not a sketch.
Rejecting what is considered 'proper' materials/mediums. Being ballsy.
Thus I want people/you (the spectator) to be able to see and identify
the process my works have been through and ALL of the mediums used - i.e.
pencil sketch-ups. We need transparency in this modern day society.
Closed systems are stupid: technology-wise, food industry-wise, politics-wise
no distinction. no high and no low. just art
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